Oil of Cinnamon for.--"A drop of oil of cinnamon will frequently
relieve very serious cases of toothache. Apply to the tooth with a little cotton. This will
at least give temporary relief until you can see your dentist and have the tooth treated."
Friday, 16 October 2015
Inflammation of the Bowels
Inflammation of the Bowels
Marshmallow Leaves, a Canadian Remedy
for.--"Green marshmallow leaves (dry will do). Wet flannel and apply hot." Make a
strong tea of the marshmallow leaves and while hot dip flannels and apply to abdomen.
Marshmallow Leaves, a Canadian Remedy
for.--"Green marshmallow leaves (dry will do). Wet flannel and apply hot." Make a
strong tea of the marshmallow leaves and while hot dip flannels and apply to abdomen.
Mustard Plaster to Stop.--"Plaster of mustard on pit of stomach." Be
very careful not to allow the plaster to remain on too long, as it will blister, and this
would be worse to contend with than the vomiting.
Mustard Plaster to Stop.--"Plaster of mustard on pit of stomach." Be
very careful not to allow the plaster to remain on too long, as it will blister, and this
would be worse to contend with than the vomiting.
Egg and Nutmeg for.--"Beat up an egg, grate in half a nutmeg and
sweeten to taste. Repeat two or three times during the day. Remarks: Has been known to
help in chronic cases when doctors' medicine failed."
Egg and Nutmeg for.--"Beat up an egg, grate in half a nutmeg and
sweeten to taste. Repeat two or three times during the day. Remarks: Has been known to
help in chronic cases when doctors' medicine failed."
Indigestion or Dyspepsia
Dry salt for.--"One-half teaspoon dry salt taken before
each meal. Knew a gentleman who was nearly worn out with this trouble and entirely
cured himself with this simple remedy." It is always well to give these simple remedies a
fair trial, before resorting to strong drugs. Salt is a good stimulant.
Dry salt for.--"One-half teaspoon dry salt taken before
each meal. Knew a gentleman who was nearly worn out with this trouble and entirely
cured himself with this simple remedy." It is always well to give these simple remedies a
fair trial, before resorting to strong drugs. Salt is a good stimulant.
Chapped Hands
Chapped Hands
Glycerin and Lemon Juice for.--"Two-thirds glycerin, one-
third lemon juice, mix well together; apply nights."
Glycerin and Lemon Juice for.--"Two-thirds glycerin, one-
third lemon juice, mix well together; apply nights."
Lemon Juice for.--"Cut a lemon in two, loosen the hair and rub the
lemon into the scalp. Do this in the evening before retiring, for about a week, then stop
for a few nights, then use for another week, and so on until cured."
Lemon Juice for.--"Cut a lemon in two, loosen the hair and rub the
lemon into the scalp. Do this in the evening before retiring, for about a week, then stop
for a few nights, then use for another week, and so on until cured."
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Skin Diseases
Skin Diseases
Burdock Tea a Standard Remedy for.--"Take a handful of the
freshly bruised burdock root to two quarts of water and boil down one-half; drink from a
half to one pint a day." This is considered one of the best home remedies for skin diseases that is known and is perfectly harmless.
Burdock Tea a Standard Remedy for.--"Take a handful of the
freshly bruised burdock root to two quarts of water and boil down one-half; drink from a
half to one pint a day." This is considered one of the best home remedies for skin diseases that is known and is perfectly harmless.
Round Or Pin Worms
Round or Pin Worms
Sage Tea for.--"Sage tea is a fine remedy for children
troubled with worms, taken before breakfast or on going to bed." Sage tea may help; I
have known other mothers to have faith in it. Its virtue may consist in being a laxative
and an antiseptic which in themselves would add to the general health of the child.
Sage Tea for.--"Sage tea is a fine remedy for children
troubled with worms, taken before breakfast or on going to bed." Sage tea may help; I
have known other mothers to have faith in it. Its virtue may consist in being a laxative
and an antiseptic which in themselves would add to the general health of the child.
Lobelia Tea for.--"There is no medicine that is half so effective as
lobelia in removing the tough, hard ropy phlegm from the asthmatic persons." This
remedy is very good, but care should be taken not to give it to consumptives, because it
is too weakening. To obtain the best results, enough of the remedy should be given to
produce relaxation of the bronchial tubes. Dose.--For adults should be
from fifteen to sixty drops according to the strength of the patient. This will cause a little
sickness of the stomach and vomiting, thus relaxing the muscles and relieving the
Lobelia Tea for.--"There is no medicine that is half so effective as
lobelia in removing the tough, hard ropy phlegm from the asthmatic persons." This
remedy is very good, but care should be taken not to give it to consumptives, because it
is too weakening. To obtain the best results, enough of the remedy should be given to
produce relaxation of the bronchial tubes. Dose.--For adults should be
from fifteen to sixty drops according to the strength of the patient. This will cause a little
sickness of the stomach and vomiting, thus relaxing the muscles and relieving the
Sore Throat
Sore Throat
Good Old Remedy.--"Steep a medium sized red pepper in one-half pint of water,
strain and add one-fourth pint of good vinegar and a heaping teaspoonful each of salt and
powdered alum and gargle with it as often as needed. This is a very good remedy.
Mild Sore Throat
Mild Sore Throat
Vinegar Gargle for.--"Gargle with vinegar and hot water.
This will help to sooth the irritation and in a mild sore throat is a sure cure."
Vinegar Gargle for.--"Gargle with vinegar and hot water.
This will help to sooth the irritation and in a mild sore throat is a sure cure."
Hay fever
Hay fever
Quick Relief from.--"For hay fever and other slight forms of diseases
which produce sneezing, there is no remedy more quickly effective, and often curative,
than a vapor of heated salt. Heat it very hot and breathe the vapor for ten minutes at a
time, four or five times a day."
Quick Relief from.--"For hay fever and other slight forms of diseases
which produce sneezing, there is no remedy more quickly effective, and often curative,
than a vapor of heated salt. Heat it very hot and breathe the vapor for ten minutes at a
time, four or five times a day."
Milk and Salt Wash for.--"Mix together one teaspoonful common salt,
a teacupful milk, and half pint of warm water. Inject this into the nostrils three times a
day. You may use the same quantity of borax in place of the salt, if you choose to do so."
Milk and Salt Wash for.--"Mix together one teaspoonful common salt,
a teacupful milk, and half pint of warm water. Inject this into the nostrils three times a
day. You may use the same quantity of borax in place of the salt, if you choose to do so."
Cleansing Antiseptic Remedy for.--"Snuff about one teaspoonful of
salt in cup of warm water every morning in nostrils. I have found this remedy simple but
fine for catarrh and also having sleeping room well ventilated summer and winter will
help in curing disease." This remedy will be found very effective in catarrh because it
loosens up the secretions and cleanses the nose of the foul secretions and also has an
antiseptic action. This can be used twice daily. Snuffing should be done very gently so as
not to draw the water too far back.
Cleansing Antiseptic Remedy for.--"Snuff about one teaspoonful of
salt in cup of warm water every morning in nostrils. I have found this remedy simple but
fine for catarrh and also having sleeping room well ventilated summer and winter will
help in curing disease." This remedy will be found very effective in catarrh because it
loosens up the secretions and cleanses the nose of the foul secretions and also has an
antiseptic action. This can be used twice daily. Snuffing should be done very gently so as
not to draw the water too far back.
Cold, Milk and Cayenne as a Preventive.--"Drink a glass of milk with a pinch
of cayenne in it. This will warm the stomach and prevent headache."
Cold, Milk and Cayenne as a Preventive.--"Drink a glass of milk with a pinch
of cayenne in it. This will warm the stomach and prevent headache."
Cold And Cough
Colds and Cough
Hops or Catnip Poultice for.--"Hops or catnip put in little
bags and steamed until hot, then placed on lungs and throat." This is a very good remedy,
as the hot bags act as a poultice and draw the congestion from the diseased parts. It
produces not only local, but general perspiration.
Hops or Catnip Poultice for.--"Hops or catnip put in little
bags and steamed until hot, then placed on lungs and throat." This is a very good remedy,
as the hot bags act as a poultice and draw the congestion from the diseased parts. It
produces not only local, but general perspiration.
Monday, 21 September 2015
Colds, Lemons and Mustard for.--"A hot lemonade taken on going to bed and
put the feet in a hot mustard bath; taken in time will break up a cold." The idea of the
foot bath is to equalize the circulation, as so many of our colds begin in the head and by drawing the blood from the head the congested parts of the head are relieved.
Colds, Lemons and Mustard for.--"A hot lemonade taken on going to bed and
put the feet in a hot mustard bath; taken in time will break up a cold." The idea of the
foot bath is to equalize the circulation, as so many of our colds begin in the head and by drawing the blood from the head the congested parts of the head are relieved.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Broncho Pneumonia
Herb Tea and Poultice for.--"Congestion of the lungs. One ounce of each of the following, slippery elm bark, crushed thyme, coltsfoot flowers, hyssop or marshmallow. Simmer in two quarts of water down to three pints; strain and add one teaspoonful of cayenne. Dose:--Wineglassful every half hour. Apply hot bran poultices or chamomile scalded in vinegar, changing often until the violence of the symptoms abate. If the bowels are confined, give an injection of half pint of hot water in which one-half teaspoonful each of gum myrrh, turkey rhubarb and ginger powder have been well mixed. If possible give vapor bath. Apply hot stones or bottles to the feet."
Herb Tea and Poultice for.--"Congestion of the lungs. One ounce of each of the following, slippery elm bark, crushed thyme, coltsfoot flowers, hyssop or marshmallow. Simmer in two quarts of water down to three pints; strain and add one teaspoonful of cayenne. Dose:--Wineglassful every half hour. Apply hot bran poultices or chamomile scalded in vinegar, changing often until the violence of the symptoms abate. If the bowels are confined, give an injection of half pint of hot water in which one-half teaspoonful each of gum myrrh, turkey rhubarb and ginger powder have been well mixed. If possible give vapor bath. Apply hot stones or bottles to the feet."
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Rheumatism, Three Simple Ingredient Liniment for.--"One pint pure cider
vinegar, one pint of turpentine, four fresh eggs, put the egg shells and all in the vinegar,
let stand until the vinegar eats the eggs all up, then add the turpentine." This makes a fine
Monday, 10 August 2015
Bronchitis, General Relief for.—"Dose of castor oil every night; one teaspoonful for a child. Grease well with camphorated oil or any good oil." The castor oil is very good for carrying off the phlegm from the stomach and bowels that children always swallow instead of coughing up like an older person. It is well in addition to the above remedy to give a little licorice or onion syrup to relieve the bronchial cough.
Bronchitis, General Relief for.—"Dose of castor oil every night; one teaspoonful for a child. Grease well with camphorated oil or any good oil." The castor oil is very good for carrying off the phlegm from the stomach and bowels that children always swallow instead of coughing up like an older person. It is well in addition to the above remedy to give a little licorice or onion syrup to relieve the bronchial cough.
Mullein Leaf Tea
"Mullein leaves steeped with loaf sugar cures a cough." Take four ounces of mullein leaves and boil for ten minutes in water: then add the loaf sugar. This is very soothing to the sore parts and also helps to loosen up the secretion so it can be raised easily.
Lungs, Mullein for Congestion.—"The mullein leaves may be purchased at any drug store or gathered in the fields. Make a tea of the leaves by steeping them. Add enough water to one tablespoon mullein to make a pint, which will be three doses, taken three times a day." This is a very good remedy.
Lungs, Mullein for Congestion.—"The mullein leaves may be purchased at any drug store or gathered in the fields. Make a tea of the leaves by steeping them. Add enough water to one tablespoon mullein to make a pint, which will be three doses, taken three times a day." This is a very good remedy.
Diarrhea, Castor Oil for.--"Castor oil. Dose.--One to four teaspoonfuls according to age. Wrap warm flannel around abdomen."
Diarrhea, Castor Oil for.--"Castor oil. Dose.--One to four teaspoonfuls according to age. Wrap warm flannel around abdomen."
Diarrhea, Hot Milk, for.--"A glass of sweet milk that has been boiled well. Drink hot; use several times daily until checked."
Diarrhea, Hot Milk, for.--"A glass of sweet milk that has been boiled well. Drink hot; use several times daily until checked."
From the Free Home Remedies Manual; Hundreds of Tried and Tested Remedies, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, Diet, Nursing, Treatments, Etc., of Every Known Disease. Poisons, Accidents, Medicinal Herbs The Free Home Remedies Manual can help with effective remedies, for the following conditions; Respiratory Diseases Animal Parasites Skin Diseases Digestive Organs Kidney and Bladder Infectious Diseases Blood and Ductless Glands Nervous System Constitutional Diseases Circulatory System Eye and Ear Deformities Intoxicants and Sunstrokes Accidents, Emergencies and Poisons Herb Department This page, is only a small part, of the Free Home Remedies Manual. To get FREE remedies, from the Home Remedies Manual, delivered to your Email inbox, please subscribe.
From the Free Home Remedies Manual; Hundreds of Tried and Tested Remedies, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, Diet, Nursing, Treatments, Etc., of Every Known Disease. Poisons, Accidents, Medicinal Herbs The Free Home Remedies Manual can help with effective remedies, for the following conditions; Respiratory Diseases Animal Parasites Skin Diseases Digestive Organs Kidney and Bladder Infectious Diseases Blood and Ductless Glands Nervous System Constitutional Diseases Circulatory System Eye and Ear Deformities Intoxicants and Sunstrokes Accidents, Emergencies and Poisons Herb Department This page, is only a small part, of the Free Home Remedies Manual. To get FREE remedies, from the Home Remedies Manual, delivered to your Email inbox, please subscribe.
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